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Tuesday 22 November 2011

The British Press Requires Tougher Regulations - against arguement

Having recently taken part in a debating competition (and winning) with this motion and the Leveson inquiry going on, I've decided to post up my speech which I think holds up some very valid arugements as to why the British Press does not require tougher regulation:

P – British newspapers will become drones, leading to no opinion in society which is crucial for human development.

E – Countries like North Korea have everything around them censored. It leads the people to be all thinking one thing having no diverse opinion, which has led to naivety.

A – Press opinion is vital for the people to have opinion themselves. We need this sort of diversity to progress as a race. This is the way it has always been, Christopher Columbus had to have his own opinion to realise that the world was in fact round and not flat. Imagine if he had not have had that opinion? It would have affected everything that we now know today about space, meaning we would never have had the genius minds that developed and are still developing space travel. It is simple opinions like this that is essential for the evolution of man. Without this we would never progress and it is the media that helps to create these different opinions that people have.

L – To say that the British press needs tougher regulations is completely barbaric to the human race.


P – Regulations will not stop things such as phone hacking as the opposition will wrongly state.

E – The NOTW phone hacking scandal was of course a terrible crime committed by Mr Murdoch’s newspaper. The scandal as anyone apart from the opposition it seems, will know that phone hacking is in fact illegal and the police have been criticised for their handling of the situation.

A – It is wrong for the opposition to say that tougher regulations will mean an end to phone hacking, because phone hacking is in fact illegal as we all know. This therefore makes it a crime that the police have to deal with. No amount of press regulation will be able to stop what is clearly a criminal act.

L – The opposition assumption has therefore been proved obviously incorrect, because further press regulation will not stop a criminal act such as phone hacking.


P – People deserve to know the truth about their MPs if they want to run the country we live in.

E – The MPs expenses scandal in 2010 brought to light the truth about our leaders from all major parties and how they had been spending your hard earned cash that you believed would be spent on improving this country. Instead we find it being spent on moats for ducks and toilet seats.

A – If we add more press regulation, stories like these will not be uncovered, because journalists may feel like they cannot give the public the information in case of an infringement of regulations. Surely information like this, the good people of our country deserve to know, especially when there was an election looming at the time. The opposition are therefore saying that tougher regulation will lead to our so called MPs spending your money on their own unnecessary needs. Furthermore, who is going to regulate the newspapers? Surely not the MPs as this scandal proves that they cannot be trusted with what they think we should know and not know.

L- Tougher regulations means you are not just restricting the press, you are restricting the people of our country and how can the opposition possibly say this it right?

Thursday 10 November 2011

Frankie Coccozza to be replaced

After he left the show on Tuesday, X Factor has annouced that Frankie Coccozza will be replaced by either Jonjo or Amelia Lily, two contestants that left on the first show. This will be put down to public vote.

The reason for Frankie's departure is still unlcear, but glorifying alcohol and cocaine taking are amoung rumours.

Now all we have left are the good, innocent contestants which I think underlines the problem with the show. Of course X Factor is a family show, but what person in the entertainment business these days hasn't had something a little sketchy in their past and yet we still let them be children's role models, (lets exclude the annoying Disney actors from this). Yes, many say and I agree that Frankie sported some idiotic behaviour and generally came across as an arrogant douche, but what eighteen-year-old isn't from time to time. No doubt he wouldn't win the competition, but at least it was a bit of excitement to our Saturday nights. It was clear from the beginning that the show wouldn't be able to manipulate him into being this goodie goodie, techer's pet and that seemed to annoy the shows bosses.

So it's back to the perfect contestants with not a bad bone in their body. Roll on Saturday.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Movie Review: Talihina Sky

Talihina Sky: The Story of Kings Of Leon does exactly what it says on the tin. The rock doc tells KOL's rise to fame and their unique childhood from the band themselves. As a big fan of the band, I loved the honesty they put forward throughout.

But you don't have to be a massive fan of the band to appreciate the movie. Unlike other documentaries of musicians, this isn't filled with them playing a bunch of their songs. It's just a very honest insight into their lives.

The movie was directed and produced by Stephen Mitchell and Casey McGrath, both good friends with the band. In fact Casey has directed some of their music videos.

The footage in the movie has been taken by people close to the band and the band themselves as well as old family videos. It wasn't just some stranger or crew following them around with a camera. This as well helps to set it apart from other documentaries.

Talihina Sky is in stores now.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Made In Chelsea star and Emma Watson?

Made In Chelsea star, Francis Boulle has come out and said that he used to date Emma Watson. Why did it end? Francis says, " I want to achieve my own notoriety for what I’ve done.”
He also refers to Watson as just a "child star", because apparently, being an heir to a ridiculously rich diamond mine business is just such hard work!

Maybe Francis should take a good look at himself, at least Emma Watson worked (I say 'worked') for her money and not leaning on her family's fortune and passing it off as her own doing.

He also told Heat that they "still cross paths". Let's hope Emma hasn't read his interview next time they "cross paths".

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Jackson Doctor Trial

It's day two of Dr. Conrad Murray's trail for involentary manslaughter upon legend Michael Jackson. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Yesterday saw opening statements from both sides, where the prosecution claimed that Murray had acted with 'gross negligence'. And the evidence for that seems pretty overwhelming. Dr. Murray failed to mention to the emergency service men or the doctors at the hospital that Jackson had taken Propfol as well as other items to help him sleep. If I'm honest I think the defence has a lot of work to do, who sai that Jackson was responsible for his own death.

Murray seemed to be upset when they started mentioning his relationship with the singer.

We heard a voice recording of Jackson whilst on sedatives drugs in which he was slurring his words severely. Also a picture was shown of Jackson's dead body.

Yesterday also saw the first witness to be questioned, the This Is It director and co-choreographer, Kenny Ortega who was asked about what he witnessed on the 19th June 2009, when Michael came to rehearsal in a bad way. Today sees questioning from more witnesses, so far seeing the lawyer for AEG Records who spoke of Jackson's contract for the London shows and Michael Jackson's personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams who spoke of his role for the singe rand how he met Murray.

Coverage of the trial is being shown live on Sky News.

Some of Jackson's family including his parents and sisters have been seen in court and are expected to be there everyday.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Contestant quits X Factor

  Eccentric contestant, Goldie Cheung has quit X factor after realising she is this years Jedward. To be honest I can't belive shedidn't see it sooner.
  Louis is the judge to have chosen her for the live shows, so will he bring back another contestant to replace her? Probably.
  The real question is, what was Louis thinking to put her through in the first place?

Thursday 8 September 2011

Qatar 2022 to cost £138bn!

The cost for Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup will apparently cost around £138 billion. Mainly because they're building a whole new city for  the new (and first) football stadium.

£30 billion of this is going to go on air conditioning the stadium. £107 billion will be spent on stadiums and facilities and £31 billion on transport infrastructure. All the remains will be spent on training facilities and accommodation for teams and fans.

It was never a sensible idea to give the 2022 bid to Qatar, the only good thing I can think coming out of this is that it will gain more interest in that part of the world for the sport. Apart from that it honestly seems like a stupid idea. When Qatar won the bid they didn't have a football stadium and who's ever heard of a good football team from Qatar or indeed a national team?

Personally I don't see this going down as a world cup to remember.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Reading and Leeds Best Bits

Some of the best performances from Reading 2011

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqAMFTpqQDk&feature=related muse

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lleP4Uf10wU my chemical romance

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0vDBnlzTNE 30 seconds to mars

Reading and Leeds

After watching Reading and Leeds highlights on BBC I was so gutted I couldn't be there. Muse looked incredible and I definately have to go see them live at some point. My Chemical Romance were also good.

30 Seconds To Mars were amazing and I've realsied what an amazing band they are. I've always liked them, but seeing them at Reading made me think "wow these guys are good". Despite being on tour for almost two years, frontman Jared Leto still managed to sound ace.

Thursday 25 August 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie

For those who haven't seen the Inbetweeners Movie yet, you are missing out! It left me laughing so hard I cried.

I only started watching the show a few months ago and found it hilarious, wondering why I hadn't been watching it sooner. After seeing the film on tuesday it is the funniest movie I have seen in a long time. The best bit; it's BRITISH humour! Apparently, even Wills and Kate were in hysterics: http://celebrity.uk.msn.com/news/gossip/prince-william-and-kate-middleton-in-hysterics-as-they-watched-the-inbetweeners

I highly recommend seeing it.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Dear Rebecca Black, You Can't Sing!

Rebecca Black's at it again, this time taking the brave step of singing without autotune on America's Got Talent. FAIL!

The performance was cringe worthy as we realised just how bad a singer she really is. At least before we only had to guess because of autotuning.

Perhaps the best part of the whole performance was the reactions of Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne. Their faces were priceless as they both realise having her perform on the show wasn't the best idea they've had.

Nick Cannon, the professional he is, praised  Rebecca whether he really meant it or not.

You have to give Rebecca credit for actually attempting it though, even if it didn't work out. How did she think the performance went?

Watch the performance here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9y810VEaG0

Friday 29 July 2011

BBC and Sky to share F1 rights

From 2012 BBC and Sky will have shared right to broadcast Formula One as part of the BBC's attempt to save 20% of it's budget. This means that from next year only half the races will be shown on the BBC, but all will be shown on Sky including qualifying and free practise. Sky have however kindly let the BBC air "important races" like the British GP, Monaco and the final race of the season.

Commentator for BBC coverage at the moment Martin Brundle wasn't happy according to his tweet claiming he is "out of contract". In all fairness that does sound a little selfish, but Pirelli tyres have also come out and said they aren't happy either along with a host of fans.

The BBC claimed that without sharing rights they would have had to cut the sport altogether.

Is it me, or do people just assume that everyone has Sky these days? Already Sky shares broadcasting rights of Champions League football with ITV and some prime time TV shows are set to move to Sky. For example, E4 have sold the rights of Glee to Sky for the next series onwards.

It seems that majority of people these days do have some sort of pay monthly digital like Sky or Virgin, but what of the people that don't. Of course Sky are smart, they know that getting rights for a host of shows from mainstream channels will result in more people buying into Sky packages.

No doubt this will be a topice of discussion on this weekends Hungarian Grand prix build-up.


Monday 25 July 2011

RIP Amy Winehouse

I turned on the tv yesterday morning, only to discover that Amy Winehouse had died. Although the cause is yet unknown, chances are it is because of drugs/alcohol. We have to wait for the autotopsy to finish before we find out that.

Throughout the day music channels were paying tribute to her and it was unfortunately at this moment I realised how good her music really is. When her Back To Black album came out I was too busy with my RnB days to realise how good the album actually was. I suppose I'm not the only one who knew more about other aspects of her life than he rmusic.

She was only 27, the age she had predicted she would go and the same age as her heroes when they died; Kurt Cobane, Jimmy Hendrix etc.

RIP Amy Winehouse

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Social Network

Whilst watching the social network, I realised that I possbly know the next Mark Zuckerburg. He's a genius hacker and total computer geek. Thanks to family connections he and his older brother already have a business in this area and now he's working on a new app that could theoretically be worth millions. Watch this space. . .

Thursday 7 July 2011

The Love Between You And I

Two of my friends have decided to form a band together. This is a cover of a song by Attack In Black. It's pretty good! :)


Beyonce's 4

Last week I purchased 4, Beyonce's new album fron iTunes. Its a hell of a lot different from Sasha Fierce. A lot more ballads this time, which are all great but maybe one or two more upbeat songs? I've yet to watch her Glasto performance, but it's being shown on BBC Three at some point this weekend. Watch it!

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