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Thursday 10 November 2011

Frankie Coccozza to be replaced

After he left the show on Tuesday, X Factor has annouced that Frankie Coccozza will be replaced by either Jonjo or Amelia Lily, two contestants that left on the first show. This will be put down to public vote.

The reason for Frankie's departure is still unlcear, but glorifying alcohol and cocaine taking are amoung rumours.

Now all we have left are the good, innocent contestants which I think underlines the problem with the show. Of course X Factor is a family show, but what person in the entertainment business these days hasn't had something a little sketchy in their past and yet we still let them be children's role models, (lets exclude the annoying Disney actors from this). Yes, many say and I agree that Frankie sported some idiotic behaviour and generally came across as an arrogant douche, but what eighteen-year-old isn't from time to time. No doubt he wouldn't win the competition, but at least it was a bit of excitement to our Saturday nights. It was clear from the beginning that the show wouldn't be able to manipulate him into being this goodie goodie, techer's pet and that seemed to annoy the shows bosses.

So it's back to the perfect contestants with not a bad bone in their body. Roll on Saturday.

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