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Thursday 8 September 2011

Qatar 2022 to cost £138bn!

The cost for Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup will apparently cost around £138 billion. Mainly because they're building a whole new city for  the new (and first) football stadium.

£30 billion of this is going to go on air conditioning the stadium. £107 billion will be spent on stadiums and facilities and £31 billion on transport infrastructure. All the remains will be spent on training facilities and accommodation for teams and fans.

It was never a sensible idea to give the 2022 bid to Qatar, the only good thing I can think coming out of this is that it will gain more interest in that part of the world for the sport. Apart from that it honestly seems like a stupid idea. When Qatar won the bid they didn't have a football stadium and who's ever heard of a good football team from Qatar or indeed a national team?

Personally I don't see this going down as a world cup to remember.

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