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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Jackson Doctor Trial

It's day two of Dr. Conrad Murray's trail for involentary manslaughter upon legend Michael Jackson. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Yesterday saw opening statements from both sides, where the prosecution claimed that Murray had acted with 'gross negligence'. And the evidence for that seems pretty overwhelming. Dr. Murray failed to mention to the emergency service men or the doctors at the hospital that Jackson had taken Propfol as well as other items to help him sleep. If I'm honest I think the defence has a lot of work to do, who sai that Jackson was responsible for his own death.

Murray seemed to be upset when they started mentioning his relationship with the singer.

We heard a voice recording of Jackson whilst on sedatives drugs in which he was slurring his words severely. Also a picture was shown of Jackson's dead body.

Yesterday also saw the first witness to be questioned, the This Is It director and co-choreographer, Kenny Ortega who was asked about what he witnessed on the 19th June 2009, when Michael came to rehearsal in a bad way. Today sees questioning from more witnesses, so far seeing the lawyer for AEG Records who spoke of Jackson's contract for the London shows and Michael Jackson's personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams who spoke of his role for the singe rand how he met Murray.

Coverage of the trial is being shown live on Sky News.

Some of Jackson's family including his parents and sisters have been seen in court and are expected to be there everyday.

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