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Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

It’s time to say hello to 2014. It’s finally here! The past 24 hours have been awash with tweets and statuses informing the rest of the world that ‘a new year is a new me’ and all the usual trivial quotes that usually get forgotten about come January 3rd.

Which leads us to ponder New Year’s resolutions. For me they are worthless, my rule is if you’re going to break them don’t make them. Despite this I see it time and again every year from all sorts of people claiming that they are going to lead a better life in one way or another by making a new year’s resolution.

But what did we learn in 2013? Well...

In the world of entertainment we learnt that even Oscar winners aren't afraid of acting like fan girls when they meet their heroes as demonstrated by Jennifer Lawrence when she met Jack Nicholson mid-interview.

It also became OK for number one singles to reference sexual harassment.

Hundreds of journalists and news crews decided to have a camp out in front of some hospital.

Tom Daley told us what we already knew.

And we said goodbye to some of the most influential political figures in history.


Now as we look back on some of the pinnacle moments of 2013, we welcome in the New Year and wait to see what 2014 has in store for the next 12 months.

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