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Sunday 22 September 2013

Miley, please just stop

She's been at it again! Miley Cyrus has been twerking her way into my (and I'm sure many other people's) most annoying celebrity of the year list. This time she stepped out at the iHeart Radio festival in Las Vegas in a cringey fishnet dress showing way too much for anyone. 

It appears that it can get worse after her awful VMA's performance in which all I could shout at the TV was "who told her that obsessive tough thing was attractive?" and "stop trying to twerk when you clearly can't" Even worse than the Wrecking Ball video which lets face it, is not 'art' or whatever she wants to call it and is just an excuse to cause havoc in cyberspace when there are more important things in the world that need to be discussed, like the fact that people are dying from inhumane chemical weapons in Syria. What makes it worse is I'm now blogging about her, all be it negative, no doubt she find satisfaction in being heavily criticised and bitched about seeing as a lot of people are currently doing it.

I don't buy this "oh, she's just doing what every twenty-year-old does", because being just two years younger and knowing some 20-year-olds myself I can say that no self-respecting twenty-year-old decides to get on a massive foam ball naked and put it all over the internet.

To top it all, now that she's officially broken up with Liam Hemsworth, all I think about is that its only going to get worse from here.

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