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Monday 10 February 2014

Money, money, money

Being a university student that is almost halfway through their second semester, I have noticed that the main topic of conversation, other than drunken stories, is money. 

I am now reaching the point where I have to except that my overdraft will be in use by the end of term. 

The bulk of my money this term has been spent of tour in April. Don't forget about all the extras that come with it. I'm now having to spend £80 on a passport renewal.

Then there is the ridiculous amounts that get spent on takeout. It may seem like just a fiver at the time, but trust me you will regret it later.

Birthdays are another thing. Of course we all want to celebrate our flatmate's and our friend's birthdays, but remember that this does add up. There's the present, the decorations, the meal and of course the night out, and don't forget taxi money.

Its important to remember that there will be payments every few weeks that you weren't anticipating.  Just yesterday I had to buy a new pair of headphones off Amazon because mine decided to give up the ghost. ALWAYS go for free delivery, no matter how long it takes. The days of agony, anticipation and disappointment when they don't arrive on the first day stated will be worth it when you review your next bank statement.

There are other small things that can be done for a slightly cheaper student life. I've started buying Quorn rather than actual meat because its so much cheaper and no risk of food poisoning. Also it's so much nicer not having to plan meals in advance in case you need to defrost something.

Buy the supermarket's own brand products and always look for the deals. Just today I saved £7.00 on my food shop from doing this. Also, Poundland is a God send. One pound for a bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup? Yes please.

I cannot tell you how glad I am I saved the majority of my paychecks from my old job for uni. It's the only thing that's got me through this year, because let's face it, student loans are complete bull****. I'm fortunate that I have money left over after my accommodation fee goes out, but some people aren't so lucky. This is the one time in life when you're glad your parents have a terribly paid job and you have younger siblings that live at home. 

I think it is important to point out however, that you can be as careful and stingy as you like, but at the end of the day, living without parents and university life in general is expensive. There's simply no way round it. If you can get through uni without having to once worry about money, then every student out there hates you right now. 

I think it's safe to say, the adult world can really suck sometimes.

But it's also the best thing ever.

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