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Monday 20 May 2013

About Bloody Time: Gay Marriage plans to go ahead

Plans to legalise gay marriage are to proceed through Parliament in England and Wales backing Labour, despite opposition from some MPs.

The bill will be debated over two days with a final reading next Tuesday when if passed it will go to the Lords where it is expected to face more opposition.

Conservatives had offered an amendment to allow heterosexual couples to have civil partnerships if gay couples could get married.

Tim Loughton (Conservative MP) said the amendment would make the bill "less unpalatable  since extending civil partnerships to co-habiting heterosexuals would address a "glaring inequality" in the current proposals as well as encouraging family stability.

Nick Clegg said he had no problem extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples as well.

On Sunday, 34 current and former local party chairmen delivered a letter to Downing Street opposing the gay marriage policy as "flawed, un-Conservative, divisive and costing us dearly in votes and membership".

They said it was causing "crisis of conservatism" saying that Europe, same-sex marriage and the "contempt" for party membership from the leadership were "destroying the party".

My thoughts...
Stop thinking about your God forsaken party and start thinking about all the couples in the England and Wales that are going to benefit from the same-sex marriage bill. Its already taken this long for the bill to go to Parliament now lets just pass it, with an amendment for civil partnerships for all if its going to make you happy.

Happily, another letter was sent to Cameron from 100 Tory activists praising him for his stance on the policy.

Under the new Bill, Church of England and Wales would be banned from performing same-sex marriages because of their strong opposition and other religious organisations would be able to opt-in.

Last week France became the ninth European country, and 14th in the world, to legalise gay marriage. Earlier this month Rhode Island became the 10th US state to allow same-sex marriages.

All I can say is just do it already for the sake of equality and freedom.