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Friday 19 April 2013

US Gun Laws: Is it Time for Change?

The US Congress voted against background checks for gun owners yesterday, despite President Obama publicly stating his views for such checks. The debate comes after a number of shootings in the US, particularly the school shooting in Connecticut that left primary school children dead. As Congress currently has a Republican majority, it is no surprise really that the result is against the motion.

Despite the decision, it appears the majority of US citizens would favour background checks for gun sales. It is of course a sensitive issue in America due to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution that states that US citizens have the right to bear arms.

However, what was most baffling about the decision made was that for the most part it wouldn’t impede this right. The only way an American wouldn’t be able to access a gun legally is if there was significant evidence that they would pose a threat to society at large, and surely the public would want protection from that?

From an outsiders point of view (not being American myself) it seems that there are people in the US, particularly the Republicans that are holding on too tight to the past. Is it not time to let go? The whole point of society is progression so that we can adapt to whatever comes our way and surely introducing such a law would only do this. The majority of Americans would still be able to buy a gun if this legislation was put in place. Yes the checks may take time, but in the end for most people should they choose to want a gun for self-defence their rights wouldn’t be affected.

By introducing this legislation you are protecting the weak and the vulnerable which after the shootings at the school in Connecticut along with others in the past, that’s surely who we need to be thinking about here? Such easy access to guns puts everyone in danger, with or without guns. Keeping those unfit to have weapons from arms will help make society that little bit safer. This is not the government bubble wrapping its people, this is them protecting them from what is horrific and unnecessary harm.

Obviously the 2nd Amendment is there for a reason and to meddle in such issues is going to affect some freedom, put by limiting those people’s freedoms you are allowing for the rest of society to fulfil theirs in all aspects without fear of a violent and sometimes fatal reaction from those unfit to bear arms.

The amount of gun crime that we hear from the US is ridiculous and needless. By bringing in something as simple as background checks for gun sales you are keeping society safe from gun violence.

This legislation is the only way forward and hopefully at some point the Republican party and its supporters will see that.