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Sunday 29 April 2012

Disney's 'John Carter' flop

Disney's latest film John Carter is set to lose around $200 million after the film became one of Hollywood's biggest flops and an embarrassment for Disney.

The head of Disney's film-making studios, Rich Ross, and the man responsible for giving John Carter the green light, has resigned since the film has been released.

The sci-fi film starring Taylor Kitsch cost a whopping $250 million to make and only made $30,180,188 in the USA on the opening weekend. Worldwide it made $179,300,000 on its opening weekend. Doesn't sound too bad, but when considering that a film needs to make at least twice the budget overall to be considered a success, its not looking great for Disney.

The film has recieved at best mixed reviews, many saying the film is dull or messy when refering to the plot. Although some say the film isn't a total failure, when looking at the extortionate $250 million budget it doesn't fair well, especially when looking at the latest box office smash, The Hunger Games, produced by Lionsgate, which made over $150 million on the opening weekend. Yes, less than John Carter worldwide, but meaning by now the profit the studio needs has already been achieved, seeing as the film cost a measely $78 million to make when compared with John Carter.

Also consider the fact that 3D was pushed onto the film by the studio, not director, Andrew Stanton who didn't want it. The 3D itself is poor, and leaves us asking, why did Disney insist on using 3D in the first place?

Clearly, Disney made a massive error with John Carter and hopefully they can try and make something back with new action film The Avengers, (Marvel being owned by Disney), which is meant to rival the likes of The Hunger Games at the box office this summer.